Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tonight's Meeting

We had 5 1/2 in attendance tonight. Matthew came in late so we can't count him fully. Things got a little wacky when we passed a couple of sheets of paper around again. I'll put one up now and another tomorrow.

Two Frogs walked into a bar. They walked because they did not have a car. When they came in they started to sing a song, except it turned out completely all wrong since Joe sang a C minor and Bob, D major. They didn't make a very good wager. So they had some pizza and orange juice and talked with a melancholy moose. Then they walked out, forgetting that they did not have a car, and died. A necromancer came along and he revived them. Then the frogs hopped away and walked into a bar. It was the same bar and there was blood on the floor, their blood. They slipped and impaled themselves on the moose's antlers, sending them both flying through the large window and over a cliff to an icy death. Then another frog came along to see both of the frogs floating up in the sky and the frogs hit the other frog and killed it. The three frogs lay there, stinking and attracting flies. The all of a sudden one started to wiggle, then another, then another! The three frogs got up and started to walk to another bar with the flies still flying all around them. Then they came across a moose wearing a toboggan. The flies from the frogs attacked the moose, started eating it alive. The moose screamed like a girl and ran off. The dead frogs laughed. They stole the moose's toboggan so it was cold as well as being eaten alive because the frogs were cruel having suffered death twice (is that even possible?). Anyway back to the story...As the frogs laughed hysterically, pieces of them began to fall off until they were only piles of stinking fly-attracting flesh that will never come back to life again. Or will they?


Matthew said...

The pointless meeting I had to go to was, well, pointless. At least that's over and done with.

And I thought the stories would get nicer without Eser corrupting them.

Yup, I was wrong.

Grace said...

I already TOLD you, if I'm there, they're gonna be disturbing, and it's ALWAYS Eser's fault.

Heehee, the necromancer was my idea. I figured out what it was from the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix. (Read that!) And Ed, you didn't make the last line all dramatic like you were supposed to! It was all caps, with italics!

Clare said...

Silly Ed, the frogs will always come back as long as there are more mooses (mooses? meese?) to torment.

And Matthew, Eser isn't the onlt one with a disturbing brain.

Clare said...

D'oh! Also, Ed, that about the other one? You must post it also. For posterity Ed!

gg said...

I'll get the other one up. Give me time. Give me time.

I thought I'd let this first one sink in first and allow you guys to realize what you had created.