Thursday, November 09, 2006

Meg Rosoff's top 10 adult books for teenagers

Whenever I take a few minutes and try to find something worthy of posting here for the few that visit I always hope I can find something as perfect as this.

I was trying to think of an adult book or two I would add to this list. Maybe "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "Ender's Game."


Grace said...

...dear. I haven't read any of those, and I've only heard of a couple. Well, I've read Ender's Game, but that's your suggestion. I may not get a chance to read these soon friend lent me these two huge books that I really want to read, and I also joined my school's Battle of the Books. I'm actually not that friend didn't know where the media center was, so I joined with him. I'm more geeky. And yes, there is a difference, however fine.

Matthew said...

Gotta veto The Sword in the Stone. Redeeming value? Of course. A fun read? Anything but.

My brother's reading Catch-22 right now. He says it's really good - it'll probably go onto my "to read" list.

Ehh, I thought Ender's Game was okay. The premise was great, but for some reason, I just didn't connect with it, if you get what I mean. I suppose the best way to put it would be that it's a great book, just not the book for me.

(By the way, I heard too much of the "this is how geniuses actually think!" stuff, which is bull, imo.)

For some reason, I never did Battle of the Books. (Probably just because none of my friends were in it.) I was a National Academic League freak, though.

Indeed, there is a difference.

Mitch said...

I was in NAL too (of course you were. You're you.). I always wanted to do Battle of the Books, but I tend to focus more on the general story then, say, the author's name, which significantly lessens my usefulness in that sort of competition.

Clare said...

I've read Maus, The Sword in the Stone, and Catch-22. Heard of some of the others of course. Also read Ender's Game which I loved but looking back on it I have some of the same misgivings as Matthew.

I probably should have joined Battle of the Books, but yeah, I suck at remembering names.

Grace said...

I probably suck too. Yay for me! I think that the memorizing author's names is a very, very silly idea, though: what's the point? And Matthew? What the heck does "imo" mean?

Clare said...

In my opinion. Sometimes people use IMHO, in my humble opinion, but Matthew apparently does not feel his opinion is humble.

gg said...

I am happy "Ender's Game" exists because whenever a teen wants a good SF book and they haven't read it then my job is over. Easy score.