Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm just putting this out there so y'all can get used to it by the time I come back. My name is now Mitchell. It's not legal yet, as that would be a paperwork nightmare when combined with college and financial aid, but it will be legal as soon as possible.

So, yes. I will be changing my display name to reflect this. Just giving y'all a heads-up.

I just used the word 'y'all' twice (now three times), didn't I? Shame on me.


Grace said...

Much, much shame! This makes me wonder what I'd change my name to, if I did...but I do like my name right now. So now Mitchell is the writer of disturbing/strange (yet oddly well-written) stories?

In other news, welcome to Rebecca and Lauren;)!

Mitch said...

Well, lately Mitchell is the writer of an awful lot of bandslash, which mean's she's going to have to write some more original stuff before the next meeting. But yes, the point still stands.

Grace said...

I know two other Melanies as well. There's lots of Mels! And there's also a charcter named Mell in the webcomic Narbonic.

This is the first time we've had a non-member comment!

Clare said...

Ha ha, I should start calling you Melvin to differentiate you from the other Melanie I know. As it is, we call you Purple Melanie (I don't know if we ever told you that story) and her Short Melanie.

Clare said...

Argh, need an edit button. Completely forgot to comment on the original post. Umm...not much to say except I can imagine how much of a nightmare the legal name change would be at the moment.

gg said...

The legality of it is a mere formality. You are whatever you tell people you are when you meet them. I have a friend who guys by here middle name and there is no confusion at all.

gg said...

Also, as far as names, when I was in high school this brother and sister joined our school. They moved around a lot throughout their childhood and as they joined new schools they would alernately go by their middle and first names. They ended up finishing up their education at our school and one of them eventually told this story. After that friends of the sister starting referring to her as Heather/Beth.