Friday, July 14, 2006

Sad News

As you all know, I'm going off to school at NCSSM this year. I leave on August 19th, so this makes the next meeting my last for quite a while. Of course, I'll still be in touch via the blog and e-mail, and will still be spending plenty of weekends in Charlotte.

Assuming that all writer's club meetings take place on the fourth Thursdays of each month, I should be able to make the December and January meetings (albeit about a half hour late to the January meeting). Of course, the dates of the meetings change, so it is likely that I will be able to attend more.

On a lighter note, I will officially be taking a class on short story writing, which should either improve my writing dramatically, or drive me completely insane. Either should be fun.


Grace said...

EGADS!!! It's Meghan! But anywaaay... This means that when we see you at meetings, you had BETTER have at least a little writing done, neh?

Have fun at your geek school! :D:D I'd write a goodbye ode to Matthew, but I'm not good at that sort of stuff...anyone else up for it?

Clare said...

Aww, Matthew is's sad...and I've run out of things to say...right...I need to get more sleep...lalalalala

gg said...

Gee, we'll have to send you off appropriately. Maybe Melanie can bring some snacks? She picks the best stuff.

Grace said...

And now we have to send off Maggi too! And Melanie WILL NOT pick out snacks, and if she does, SOMEBODY dies.

Matthew said...


As I feel like I should reiterate, I'll be able to come to the December/January meetings (and possibly more), and I'm always lurking around the blog. Yall haven't really gotten rid of me.

Grace said...

"Hamster" does not have a p in it.

And yes, you may be lurking around, but can you tackle people over the internet?

Matthew said...

Well, you misspelled... uh... "anyway"?

Forgive me, but I can't spell past about 10:00 at night.

Sorry, but online tackling is only a feature of Internet v2.0.