Monday, May 22, 2006


Here's an early reminder that this Thursday we are meeting again. Come one, come all.

Think about what you would like to do this week. Another contest of some kind? An exercise of some sort? Just sit around and read stuff? Riot? Let me know.


Grace said...

It doesn't much matter what we prefer to do. It all comes down to a riot. But speaking hypothetically, since I liked the haiku contest, I think that we should have another contest of some sort. What type of exercises are we talking about though?

gg said...

The kind of writing exercises that are designed to get young minds warmed up and writing. Things like "a monkey is in a row boat with a nun and Elvis Presley. They are traveling up the Amazon river. Describe the scene from the monkey's point of view." Stuff like that.

Clare said...

I generally hate that sort of thing. Reminds me of the writing tests. Blah. Though I suppose we could make it okay.

Also, the contest thing did seem to work pretty well. We could start doing that regularly and take turns bringing the prize.

gg said...

We don't have to have a contest every time. I'll come in with some ideas to use if we end up staring at each other.

Grace said...

Ha, that could never happen. But the contests are fun, we could have them at least occasionally. I don't really like the writing
exercise things either. I generally hate prompts of any sort, because they're usually so restrictive. But if you have other ideas of what to do, please share them!

Matthew, are you lurking?

Matthew said...

Yes. I've been about two seconds within making the comment that "the only chance of me winning a contest is if it is to make a corny math joke" every time that I've visited this page, but I've restrained myself.

I must really have no life.

gg said...

I was thinking about working with some figurative language. Specifically, simile and metaphor.

Playing with simile and metaphor would be anything but restrictive, for sure.