Thursday, October 18, 2007

The poem I wrote

Here's the longer version of the poem that I read tonight.

Everyone is older
my dad's youngest brother
always seemed so young
the adult that could
talk to the kids
is almost as old as Bob Dylan
he plays horse shoes half heartedly

My dad, the eldest
his nose ravaged
by his recklessness,
his balance more and more
off kilter
as the years between him
and his motorcycle accident
increase, struggles with horse shoes

The middle brother
his competitiveness stoked by
the horse shoe contest
his red hair fading
like paint on an old car
doesn't lose a game all day

My sister takes pictures
convinces the usually camera shy
to pose and smile
in the red afternoon sun
she's like a attractive queen
who just learned her rival
has had acid thrown in her face.

Aunt Bert's steak
is the rawest steak I've ever seen
eaten with utensils
I tell her, "You could just have left
that sitting out overnight and it
would be done to your liking."
"Yup," She says, "just leave it out
in the sun for a few minutes and
I'll eat it."

It's a good party, the kind people
don't want to leave
with long goodbyes
vows to do this again
"Not wait ten years this time,"
the middle brother says.
"We might not all be here ten years from now."
His wife punches him in the arm.

Everyone is older, even the trees

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