Friday, October 13, 2006

Have any of you read anything by Chuck Palahniuk? If so, what did you think? If not, allow me to recommend EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER WRITTEN. Except possibly Haunted, because that's just creepy. Not that all of his writing isn't creepy, but. Basically this post is an excuse to foist my current obsession onto all of you. (He's the guy who wrote Fight Club, to give you some perspective.)

I would post things that I have written, but everything I'm writing lately is either essays for class or bandslash. And I really, really doubt any of you want to read either of those.


gg said...

I have not ready any of his work. A friend, whose recommendations I usually follow, adores his writing. He's on my 'too read' list which is gigantic and gets bigger every day.

Matthew said...

Ehh, my "to-read" list is growing by the day. Especially when I can't finish a book I check out from the library in six months.

Darn it, yet another comment lost to complaints about school.

Matthew said...

Six weeks. Six months. What's the difference?

(About 14 dollars in library fines.)

Mitch said...

your school library charges fines? Or do you mean the public one?

Because it's a little ridiculous to make students pay for books, as long as they return them eventually.

Matthew said...

Ehh, the public library.

I got through only about a third of this book on fuzzy logic I was reading before I had to return it (overdue), because school sucked up all of my spare time.

Mitch said...

Ah. You realise that's the natural result of taking impossible ammounts of IB classes, don't you? I mean, it sucks, but it's pretty much your own fault. :-P

Matthew said...

Yeah, I know, I feel great about myself right now.

(Make it stop! Make it stop!)