Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Meeting on Thursday

If you haven't received my email then let this be your notice. We are meeting this Thursday, June 22nd at 6 pm. As usual, bring stuff to read. If you have an idea for something fun to do, bring that with you also.

Something completely different

You know, just the other day some friends and I were talking about what animals we would like to be when we came back in another lifetime. I think cats and birds ranked pretty high. Cats because they sleep a lot and birds because they can fly. I leaned towards some sort of bird also. Particularly a bird of prey. Like they say, if you are going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Would you rather be a mourning dove or a hawk? Easy decision. Of course, with my luck, if I did come back as a hawk I'd probably end up in a zoo with my wings clipped and ugly fat kids would throw popcorn at me all day and I hate popcorn because I am a raptor. Raptors don't eat popcorn, they eat other birds and ugly fat kids when they can.

What animal would you like to be, eh?


Matthew said...

It's 1:13 in the morning, and I just finished writing the poem that I'm going to bring tomorrow.

Why does the phrase "just finished writing [something]" sound more incredulous in that sentence than "1:13 in the morning"?

Grace said...

Dear God. I think you know that answer, Matthew. Good job, translucent boy! (Anyway, considering my recent sleeping patterns, 1:13AM sounds pretty mild. I reeeeally need to regulate my sleeping schedule, but it's all the fault of having to write because the plot bunnies have been burrowing. You hardly ever seem to have this problem.)

To Ed: I've been in conversations like this before, but I've never come up with an answer. I've never wanted to be a bird, because I'm not interested in feathers...

Wow, totally off-topic thing real quick. I have the weirdest looking moth you've ever seen right on my keyboard. It's got really intricate symmetrical brown spot over it's cream white wings, which fold together sticking up rather than laying flat on it's back. It's got I think four little fussy arm things, but I'm not sure because these weird huge white tufts extend from either side of it's head. It doesn't move, but it resists when I blow on it. Odd, eh?

Something like a cat would be cool. They're sleek and lazy and nocturnal and stealthy...and I don't like popcorn.

Clare said...

Popcorn is awesome. *grumbles about stupid people*

I'd wanna be something that lives somewhere cold. An owl would be cool. I like owls.

(Also, the Ode to Maggi's Teeth was AWESOME!)

Grace said...

For serious, that one. That was the most hysterical and well-written piece of writing all evening. (Absolutely no offense to other writers at the meeting, of course. Who can argue that anything is cooler than that poem, though?) I'll be posting soon, after our week-long trip to Missouri, I promise. Possibly an ode to the St.Louis city museum, eh, Clare? That place is so bloody awesome you simply cannot put it into words. Well, unless you're really talented.