Thursday, November 02, 2006

A new poll

This is a very serious poll and your answers will be utilized to improve the quality of this blog.

Nominate a book

A friend of mine is involved with a bunch of bloggers that have created their own yearly award for Young Adult books. If you are curious you can see it here.


Matthew said...

Cooler Weather - Meh, I really should move to Arizona.

Leaves Turning - Ditto.

Elections - Oh god no.

Football - Meh. (Well, actually, beating Frank in fantasy football was kinda sweet...)

Holidays - Any excuse to get out of school is fine by me.

Clare said...


Leaving turning: Pretty!

Elections: Would be more interesting if I could vote but still definitely not favorite.


Holidays: YAY! Not quite as yay as cooler weather though

Grace said...

Cooler Weather - second favorite, probably.

Leaves Turning - they're SO gosh-darned pretty! I've been obsessed with the leaves this year.

Elections - as a 12-year-old, no, sorry

Football - ditto what Clare said

Holidays - just about ties for second. Ditto both answers so far.

Mitch said...

Cooler weather used to be my favourite part of Autumn, but it's already snowed once up here, so I've come the the conclusion that temperature is vastly overrated.

On the other hand, the leaves are much prettier in the mountains.

I can't vote this year, because I don't have a state ID, so the elections are just making me depressed.

It's not that I don't like football, it's that I don't care.

Holidays are always good, as they mean I get to go home (and go to a meeting, finally!), but the leaves are too beautiful for me to choose anything else.

gg said...

I post all this stuff about books and literature and you guys go nutso over a silly poll about autumn?

Someday I'll figure this all out.

Unknown, as far as color there is a big ole oak tree down the road from where I live that explodes every fall and it's going to hit its stride in the next couple of days. It'll be the highlight of my walk Sunday morning.

Grace said...

Yargh, our brains are grinded and fried enough during the school week. We leap for the easy stuff. But we really appreciate you trying to educate us, Ed, we really do.

I'd like to live near that oak tree.

Unknown, I now have a grudge on you. You get to be in the mountains, with REALLY pretty leaves, and SNOW?! Not fair, man....

Matthew said...

*buys plane ticket to arizona*

Mitch said...

Heh. Just survive to college, and you can be here too!

Also: Matthew? You may need to be committed.