Monday, June 18, 2007

Adventure Reading

Just in case you are getting bored during your summer break I am providing you with a link to the 100 best adventure books as assembled by National Geographic.

Gamers and their Avatars

A photo essay. It cracked me up. I love Metafilter.


Grace said...


Personally, I don't like adventure books (they bore me, ironically) but thanks for the thought. I'm better off spending my time turning into a nocturnal hermit who's slowly filling up her sketchbook. :P

Gads, I just went outside, and that gold cat that wanders around came up to me and started rubbing all over me. It's shedding season (when is it not?), and man, that cat had it in for me. I'm COVERED in the stuff. Bleargh.

gg said...

I think the only book on that list I have read is Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl. Turns out his theory that the pacific islands were populated by South Americans was wrong but it's still a good story. A couple of thousand miles on a raft? Crazy fun.

I saw the documentary they did of the voyage last year and they came across a whale shark in the middle of the ocean. It was the 60's and whale sharks were rare and pretty unknown so they shot it which pretty much made the fish the threat they were afraid it may be.