Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Accessible SF

I've read in quick succession recently two novels by an up and coming SF writer named John Scalzi. I've been reading this blog and he brought up an entry he made a while back concerning entry level SF. Specifically, SF for people that don't read science fiction. If any of you are not overwhelmed by schoolwork take a gander at his essay.

Personally I have always found good science fiction to be entry level science fiction. Every new science fiction (or fantasy) novel has to introduce readers to a new universe and a good writer should be able to do that for a long time SF reader and someone that has never picked up a SF book before. I think Cormac McCarthy's "The Road," Roth's "The Plot Against America" and Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" all straddle that line nicely.


Clare said...

I agree with you that most good SF is entry level SF. His point is somewhat valid though.

And I really, really agree with him about the covers. Not only most of the covers ridiculous and embarassing, they usually don't have anything to do with the book.

gg said...

Yeah, the cover of his book called "Old Man's War" wasn't so hot either. The cover looked like a bad mass market paperback SF novel. Good thing I got past that.

Clare said...

I'd never heard of him before but I like his writing on his site...I'll have to check his stuff out.

gg said...

I highly recommend his books. They are definitely not for kids, so be warned.

I've become a big fan of his writing since I've read the two books ("Old Man's War" and "Ghost Brigades") and plan on following him for a while. It's always exciting to find a new writer you like and want to follow his work. Always.