Thursday, October 05, 2006


Hey guys, any chance we can get a couple of you to post what you read to the group last time? I heard a couple of things I'd like to be able to read and digest.

Soft tissue from a t-rex

I don't want to turn this into a science blog but I found this story via David Brin's blog. It seems a dinosaur bone has supplied us with some soft tissue. Story and photographs here.

A new blog

I know at least one of you has expressed an interest in librarianship. Here is a blog by the staff of The Library Journal.

Another attempt to ban Harry Potter

This time it's a mother in Georgia.


Clare said...

Posting stuff: I don't have anything toppost except that goodbye to Athens. Not too interesting. I am however, all for everyone else posting their stuff.

T-rex sof tissue: That is utterly amazing and awesome. I can't wait to see what it leads to.

Library Journal: Interesting. It has been put on my favorites and I will be reading it. Thanks.

Harry Potter banning: This never stops being funny. However, what is actually rather worrying is that before this they tried to stop fuding for Spanish language fiction. I'm not going to give my whole speil about how important libraries are to a democratic system of government (I wrote a paper on it!) but that is so very wrong. Thankfully they reversed it, but still...

gg said...

Didn't both Matthew and Grace have a something to post? I think your poem about Athens is worthy of posting. Let's see it.

Matthew said...

My history notes currently have a strangling throttlehold round'st my neck. I'll post sometime later, I promise.

Clare said...

It wasn't really a poem but I may dig it out.