Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Q: What is it about a mouse's brain and the universe?

A: They are strangely similar. I thought you guys might get a kick out of that. I would think that picture would appeal to the writers, drawers and math whizzes.

"New" Tolkien

According to this story Christopher Tolkien has finished a work by his father and it's going to come out soon. I'm not too crazy about projects like this. Except for the Silmarillion I have avoided all the posthumous releases of Tolkien. In general, I am not a big fan of any writer finishing another writer's work or writing new stories in another's universe. Although when the main character's in Robert Heinlein's "Number of the Beast" briefly stayed Lewis Carroll's Wonderland I thought is was wonderful. A double standard? No, I think not, more of a homage. Anyone have an opinion on this?


Clare said...

I definitely feel the same about other people writing in a writer's universe.
It just doesn't work.

I havn't read the one book you mentioned but I might check it out.

Also: cool pictures.

Mitch said...

Poor mouse, but that does look cool.

Clare said...

This is probably gonna sound stupid but I think the stress of school is affecting my memory...

Unknown Entities, who are you?

Mitch said...

Maggi. I changed the display name because I'm changing my real name, and it was annoying me.

Matthew said...

All of these elequent screennames...

I should change mine to "Random Walk".

Matthew said...

"Eloquent", I mean. Forgive my crummy phonetical spelling.