Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rainbows at the library

I went downstairs to buy a soda in the breakroom about 7:45 tonight. When I got back upstairs the downpour from earlier was now a steady rain. Looking out the windows behind the reference desk there was no rain, just dark steady-moving clouds. Sitting at the reference desk and looking across, out the windows opposite, I could see a golden rain lit by the sunset. I thought that there must be a rainbow in these conditions. I looked back out the windows behind the reference desk and, sure enough, a half rainbow arcing out of the trees and to the left out of sight. It's nice to have windows at work.


Grace said...

I saw the rainbow too! It was a half, but it was really pretty, especially with all the grey around it. We have windows at school, but the sky is obscured by trees, which are also pretty.

Clare said...

The windows at the library rock. I have spent many an hour staring out of them while I was supposed to be doing homework.