Thursday, March 02, 2006

Where is Lee's poem?

I see a rough draft in there. When do we get to see the stunning final product?

Also, why hasn't Meghan given us a glimpse of her intellect? What's the deal, yo?

Am I being to insistant?


Clare said...

No, Ed, you're not being too insistent. I'm tired of coming to this site only to see my own writing. Must have more. *glares at Leah, Meghan, Matthew, Grace* Sorry for this comment being kinda funny sounding, I didn't sleep much last night. :)

Grace said...

You misspelled "too." Gotta watch out for those homophones. ;) Woah, wait Clare, I've posted as much as you have! At least pieces of writing, hehe. But Meghan...get crackin'!

Mitch said...

I've decided that if you'll invite me, I'll join this thing. I know, I'm being so magnanimous. :-)