Monday, June 30, 2008

Robert Silverberg

This is an author who has not come up in any of our meetings but he is a writer that I have enjoyed several times. He wrote a great book called Lord Valentine's Castle. It's fantasy/science fiction adventure novel set on an alien world where sentient aliens stand in for fantasy creatures and advanced technology stands in for magic. I never read any of the sequels though. I'm not sure why. I think because the book was so good I felt it stood alone so well that it didn't need sequels? Something like that.

He's interesting because he straddles a couple of different eras of SF. He was there with the classic old pulp writers and he helped expand SF in the new wave of the sixties. That comes out in the nice interview with him here.

1 comment:

Grace said...

I very very vaguely recognize the author's name and his book, but I don't really think I ever properly heard of him. Then again, I'm not really a sci-fi person.