Monday, April 30, 2007

Haiku T-shirt

Just a suggestion.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

What I did for my spring vacation

I bet you guys are wondering how my vacation in Michigan is going. Well, for one thing, I jumped off a moving swing for the first time in about twenty years. I didn't even hurt myself and out jumped an eight-year-old. Pretty good form, eh?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Amazing Petitions of Wonderfullness

Mr. Mack's Portrait in Classrooms:

Who a better role model? Whose a more handsome face? Indeed, who but Mr. Majchrowicz is admired so by students and faculty alike? Our school, though quite excellent, is in need of an incentive to study hard, and this is the man for the job. Of course, we cannot waste Mr. Mack's precious time by taking him from his classes, so the student council has come up with a solution. They have decided the best course of action is to produce a well-done portrait of him for every classroom to hang above its board. These visions of magnificence would be accompanied by one of his many inspirational quotes. How much more incentive do you need to do what is right? Sign here if you agree and want to help carry out this plan.

(For the love of god, don't actually do it! The man already has too much support. I need to crush him. Now, you're more than welcome to print out the below and post it on every available space. :D)

School-wide Propaganda Plot:

Is it not true that history repeats itself? I'm sure everyone remembers the "Sanders" fiasco of school year 06/07. Sanders was a military psycho who subjected all us students to hideous uniforms and grueling hard labor. Now a new threat has risen, in the seemingly innocent seventh grade LA teacher, Mr. Majchrowicz. Oh, yes, he seems quite charming,but he has now uncovered his sinister scheme to my third block class. We all saw him for what he is and were very distressed. He aims to replicate an old method of former Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong. What method, you ask? One of tyranny. Of communism. Mr. "Mack's" sordid plan is this: to put an image of his own face in a place prominence in every classroom, accompanied by a corruptive quote to plant in the students' minds. Our naive and unblemished children do not deserve this. This man's more than questionable role models say clearly his intentions-- to take over AG middle with awful, communism-esque ideology! Nip it in the bud, the saying goes. We must rally together to stop this infant tyrant. Please sign here:

'Cause communism's evil! An update: we have a new word in the dictionary nowadays.

Mackism (n)- the complete and utter rule of Mr. Mack over room 206. Not to mention the "Mr. Mack is the best" posters. The man is MAD. He's snapped. (Or he has too much time on his hands.)

Anyway, I'll post my Spring Break and morbid death poems later. All who mock them will suffer a very morbid death themselves. Blah.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Meeting this week

Hey guys, I sent an email out a few days ago that informed you that we are meeting this Thursday instead of our usual fourth Thursday of the month. That is this Thursday, the 19th of April. That is just about exactly 48 hours from the time I am currently typing this message. There will be a special door prize given to the first 15 teen writers that come through the door. I haven't decided if the twelve year old get a prize yet or not.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So it goes...

I'm sure everyone has seen that Kurt Vonnegut died today. I figured I should be mentioned him because this wouldn't be much of a writers group blog if we didn't acknowledge the passing of one of the great writers and thinkers of the last fifty years.

One of the best experiences of my life was sitting in the audience at Spirit Square for about an hour listening to Kurt Vonnegut speak. This happened back in the early 90's before some of you were even born. I remember telling my friends afterwards that I felt I had sat in the presence of a truly wise person for the first time in my life. A remark that probably would have given him fits of laughter since to him man was anything but a wise animal.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Peeps! Peeps! Peeps!

OK, this has nothing to do with writing but how can I resist linking to a contest for dioramas with peeps? How could I not link to that? How?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

China Mieville

Hey guys, if you remember I mentioned I was reading Un Lun Dun by China Mieville. I finished a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. He plays around with the whole idea of the young person having adventures in a fantasy world. If you are interested there is a nice interview with him on Youtube where he talks about this book

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sneaky little devil

I came across an entry on Metafilter a few weeks back that I wanted to share. A photographer named Bill Sullivan goes around New York City and takes surreptitious photographs of people as they go through daily life. The images show people honestly and show vulnerability. I'll call them poetic. I'd like to try that some day. In fact I already kind of do it when I can. My particular strategy is to do it from a moving car because, even though non-commercial street photography is legal, you can get beat up over it.

The Family Nietzsche

Ever wonder what would happen if you paired ranmdom Nietzsche quotes and random Family Circus cartoons? Me neither but someone has.