Thursday, April 12, 2007

So it goes...

I'm sure everyone has seen that Kurt Vonnegut died today. I figured I should be mentioned him because this wouldn't be much of a writers group blog if we didn't acknowledge the passing of one of the great writers and thinkers of the last fifty years.

One of the best experiences of my life was sitting in the audience at Spirit Square for about an hour listening to Kurt Vonnegut speak. This happened back in the early 90's before some of you were even born. I remember telling my friends afterwards that I felt I had sat in the presence of a truly wise person for the first time in my life. A remark that probably would have given him fits of laughter since to him man was anything but a wise animal.


Grace said...

Well, blah to you too, Mr. Point- out how young I am. Was your friend a very optimistic person? Or, wait, were you talking about the author at the end there? Confusing.

I would have liked to be there, though. When you're a (blech) middle-schooler (or even in public schools) you have to scrounge what sanity and wisdom you can. On a different topic real quick, I've written two brilliant things for LA class, and I'll have them next meetiing if my teacher gives them back in time.

Grace said...

Alright, darnit. If anyone but me, Ed, Clare, and possibly Matthew saw my comment, you comment as well or I am coming after you. I KNOW where you LIVE. I know WHEN you SLEEP. COMMENT. Lurking is NO fun.

(by the way, Ed, your profile has 800-some views. Apparently it gets more hits per day than the blog.)

Mitch said...

I couldn't speak for a good five minutes after I found out. I'm still in shock, honestly. On the other hand, I'm getting "SO IT GOES" tattooed on my wrist, so I guess that's a fitting memorial.

Mitch said...

Also, what do you "mean lurking is no fun"? Lurking is lots of fun, or I wouldn't do it! Unless you mean it's not fun for you, in which case you don't make sense. How could it actively not be fun for you? Lurking doesn't hurt anyone! In fact, the secrecy inherent in lurking ensures that no one gets hurt, because nothing gets done! Your argument contains serious flaws, Grace.

Clare said...

I was sad to hear this but I don't really know what else to say...

Grace is right that the stuff she wrote for class is awesome. The batman story was all my idea though.

I think Grace's arguement does make sense. Comments are fun (to read, and, I think, to make) and lurking creates no comments and so no fun.

Or something. I think school has destroyed my brain.

Mitch said...

But that's utterly selfish! It's not fun for me to leave comments, as the form is awkward and I keep forgetting to use my email address instead of my username. As I see it, wanting me to comment despite the aggravation it causes me is just mean.

Grace said...

Ah, but you'll realize that almost none of Ed's many heartfelt posts have any comments at all, and it is truly CRUEL to keep that pattern. Really, the happiness of other people should come before your own. So maybe we can compromise by YOU getting all the OTHER people that "contribute" to this blog to come around sometimes, and then you can keep lurking. Deal?

gg said...

Lurking is fine, participation is better.

Grace, may I suggest making two copies of assignemts so you can bring one to share with us, your true friends?

I don't mind if there are not a lot of comments on the blog. I know there are a few of you checking it and that's good enough, I reckon.

Glad to see you are still out there and checking in, Mitchell.

Grace said...

Urgh, sorry, Ed! Clare tried making copies before I handed them in, but the pencil (which was very dark, actually) was too light to show up. So I'm just gonna go rag on my LA teacher to give 'em back before Thursday. And my brilliant Book-of-Doom-esque science comic strip from Mr. Leggett. And, if nothing else, my brilliant book of centuries old morbid death poetry. :D

gg said...

Centuries old morbid death poetry might be a perfect exercise.

gg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grace said...

Yes, it is, but I got them back today! It was easy. My English teacher likes me. I write well. :P