Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oblivious Regurgitation

Ever mentally compose a tune, only to realize later on that you're just repeating something that you've already heard? Happens to me every once in a while.

I just realized that one piece of writing I came up with at a meeting, thinking that it was original, was almost an exact quote from somewhere else.

Damn you, xkcd, damn you!


(Whee, blogger is letting me post again!)


gg said...

That reminds me of a Tenacious D joke. In one of their HBO shorts they are trying to write a song and when they think they have a winning melody it turns out it's the tune that the ice cream truck plays.

I'm a little reluctant to mention Tenacious D because they say a lot of dirty words in their humor but that's what your post reminded me of.

Clare said...

Heehee...I remember rereading that strip and thinking..."hey...didn't Matthew write that?"

Uhoh...dirty words. As high schoolers we have never heard those. It's not like I've listened to Tenacious D or anything...

Grace said...

BWAHAHAHA. But now I'm going to go read XKCD.