Friday, March 03, 2006

I wrote this in the 7th grade, about 4 years ago, either for or relating to Language Arts class. I've changed the last line a little over the years, but this is the poem in it's original form. (You'll see what I mean.)

A teacher once said with glee,
"We must torture the students, you see.
A five hour long test
Will be a real pest
We'll call it the EOG."

Too bad there's no way to make the last line work with "10th grade writing test".

Sorry for not having too much original/current stuff to post right now. Apparently, stressing out about English essays, math competitions, and writing tests shuts down my inspiration. Maybe on Wednesday....


Grace said...

I've read/heard this poem so many times already, but it's still friggin awesome. Did you know, that during I think it was a Quarterly Test, I wrote this down on my booklet and showed it to my teacher. She thought it was hilarious.

Hey, I haven't been posting anything either. I haven't got time.... At least you broke the little Ed-Clare-Ed-Clare pattern we had going on.

WAH! I wanna write something! Maybe I'll go scavenging through my room to look for old writing? You guys would be scarred for life. "Now this was written when I was SEVEN..."

gg said...

Is OK. We're not here to stress you out. Please participate only if'n you really want to.

Cool poem, though.

I would love to see a poem written by a seven-year-old Grace. I bet one by a fifteen-year-old Meghan would be good too.

Grace said...

I'll say. Dontcha think Meg? You there? Meeeeg-han?

No, definitely not to stress you out Matthew. More as a motivation to actually write when you have time and inspiration. It's nice to know other people will be, at some point or other, reading your work, and it won't just be lying around in a notebook.