Friday, June 26, 2009

Tom Waits

This is one of the spoken word pieces by Tom Waits that I told Chris about last night. This is off his album called Mule Variations. I love this song.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Staggering Work of Genius

It turns out the new Transformers movie that you thought looked stoopid may be one of the greatest movies ever made. It might be the end of cinema as you know it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Word Website

Thanks to the mighty Metafilter I came across a new word website today. It is called Wordnik. According to the website they are "ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them." I like this site. Check out the entry for frog. It gives you the word's appearance in public domain documents at Gutenberg site, several definition options, a recorded pronunciation, occurrences of the word in Twitter posts, synonyms and images from Flickr. Pretty impressive.
Meeting This Week

Howdy. Don't forget we are meeting this Thursday at 6pm at the Morrison Regional Library. Last month we had 36 attendees and we hope to top that this month. I even have a bunch of swag to handout. I'll see you there.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Matthews Library Holds Major Nerd Event

Originally uploaded by zzazazz
I just received this in an email. The Matthews Library is hosting a few events to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the publication of the Lord of Rings.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do A Blind Search

Ever wonder which search engine you would pick if you took a blind test? Now you can find out. This site allows you to do a search and then see a three randomly placed columns from the search engines Bling, Google and Yahoo. Then you can pick which search you think is the best and then find out which was which. Pretty cool idea.
More Swag

In another pathetic attempt to entice people to come to writers night I took a picture of free stuff I am going to hand out at the next meeting. Man, there is some good stuff here. I will be gathering more as the month goes on.

Rock Band

If any of you guys play the game Rock Band there is a system wide Rock Band tournament this summer. We are having our competition here at Morrison on June 26th at 3pm. If you want to play or know someone that would call 704-416-5431 to register. I played Rock Band for the first time last weekend and I had no idea how fun it was. I am thinking about getting it for my Xbox 360. OK, not thinking about it, seriously shopping for a good deal.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Summer Vacation Haiku

Since summer vacation is right around the corner here's a summer vacation haiku from the working man's perspective. I dare you to post one of your own.

Out the window at work
Skateboarders practice their moves
Turn back to screen's glow