Friday, February 27, 2009

Last Night's Exercise

We had four in attendance last night. We have lost a lot of our regulars because they got old but we have a nice second round of regulars showing up. Grace seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth and Luisa couldn't make it at the last second.

Our exercise was a couple of random words drawn from a pile. We had all contributed two words to the pile. My words were "funky" and "taco." What I wrote was so silly that I think it deserves to be shared with the world.

Funk Taco

Roger drove up to the Taco Bell and stopped next to the talking menu. He looked it over. He knew he wanted a Meximelt, for sure. Meximelts had that August-at-noon dumpster taste that he loved. A Meximelt was a given but he craved variety in his meal. A bagful of Meximelts wouldn't cut it today. He needed more. Maybe a 7 Layer Burrito. 7 Layers come with rice. He'd never get the level of heartburn that said "I overindulged at Taco Bell if he ate rice. Hmmm...the Big Beef Burrito. The triple B never let him down. You could get a steak version of the Triple B. The streak was low grade, to be sure, but not as low grade as the ground beef that came on the regular Big Beef Burrito. He could get heartburn so severe with two Meximelts and one Big Beef Burrito that he would be forced to lie down and breath slowly and wait until his body decided it was time to head to the bathroom.

He was prepared to order the two Meximelts and one Big Beef Burrito but he saw a new item on the menu that intrigued him. It was in the bottom left corner. It was a monkey-brown colored taco with arms and legs that was either dancing with or hugging a giant cup of Mountain Dew. It was called the Funky Taco. He was scratching his chin and pondering what might a Funky Taco be when the speaker in the menu spoke.

"Thank you for bzzzsking Taco Bell. May I help?" said a bored teenager.

"Uh yeah," Replied Roger. "What's in a Funky Taco?"

"Baby skrrrtzz."

"Baby what?"

"Skrrrzzty squirrels."

"Do you recommend them?"

"How bad a case of heartburn do you want?"

"Really bad. So bad I can take the rest of the day off and crash on my couch and watch TV."

"What else you gettin?"

"Two Meximelts."

"OK, add three Funky Tacos and you'll wish you were dead."


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tomorrow's meeting

Does anyone still read this blog? Who's coming tomorrow? Hello, is this thing on?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Meeting Thursday

Howdy. Don't forget we are meeting this Thursday at 6 pm at the Morrison Regional Library. I got some great swag to give away for all you book lovers out there. Below is a picture of a few of the books I have liberated from the book sale for ya'll.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Testing, Testing...1...2...3

Playing with embedding pictures for a class I am going to do in April. How about a shot of me getting ready to get on the bus and leave for bootcamp in 1986. I'm 18.
From All we need is Blog?

How about a miniature dachshund in a light box?
Isaac in the Lightbox

Have I posted that before? Probably. Sorry.
The Hobbit

I found an interesting project that an artist is sharing via his blog. When he saw the Lord of the Rings movies he found that he lost some of the mental images he had of the books. He didn't dislike the films but it saddened him that he lost some of what he personally brought to the books. Now he's heard that there will soon be a movie version of the Hobbit directed by the guy that brought us Pan's Labyrinth. He has decided to paint some of his favorite scenes from the Hobbit as he sees them now so he doesn't lose them when the movie comes out. You can view his project here. I hope I haven't posted that here before.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A couple of things

It's been about two years since I posted anything here. I've actually been busy. I am teaching a eBay Basics class tonight and I spent the last week revising the handout and doing that makes my brain hurt.

I did found out today that the Virginia Quarterly Review is putting a bunch of it archives online. You can read about that here. First search I am going to do? Donald Hall, of course.

There is a great science fiction short short story on the New Yorker's website here. It has a great twist on the first contact/alien invasion story.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Let's pause for some whale evolution

It turns out that whales didn't start giving birth in the water until later than was currently thought. More here. Write about whale evolution. How's that for a prompt?