Friday, May 30, 2008

The continue-the-story sheet from yesterday's meeting.

A car turned into my driveway
or, rather, into my mailbox
and by car I mean alien spaceship
that is lost looking for...
The magical alien generator that powers all of their appliances eternally!
The alien slowly descended out of the spaceship and I realized it was!
My brother of course who is not my brother but my uncle who was a secret himself which... (?--I just write things down as they are on the paper, whether or not they make sense)
was revealed to me when Vetinari told Vimes in absolute confidence. Assuming, of course, that "in absolute confidence" means "in bed". But then they...

And I believe it was Mitchell that left us hanging there. But I must commend Matthew and Ed for not mentioning any ...eyes...or lack thereof... And also those people who used proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Really, guys! Are we a writer's group or not?

I'd like to thank everyone who came to the meeting last night. I had a lot of fun. I hope our two new participants come next month also.

Who has that sheet we passed around before the meeting ended? Whoever has it should post it to the blog. I also hope Jake posts his minutes/news story about the meeting.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Meeting This Thursday

Hey, don't forget we are meeting this Thursday at the Morrison Regional Library. We will be meeting at six o'clock. Be sure to bring something to read, yours or some writing by somebody else. We may have a new person or two and Mitchell will be joining us.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Dad's New Cell Phone

Do you think I should expand this or leave it short?

My father calls me on his
new disposable cell phone.
My cell, at my home,
only get one bar.
His voice, distorted like
he's calling through time.
From where he stands
in northern Michigan
he might as well be.
I yell into my phone,
even with his hearing aid
he can't hear a word I say.
From his garbled words
I can tell he's more than a little
miffed at the Detroit Tigers.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Poetry Reading

I've been instructed by a friend to let you guys know that her mother is appearing at Park Road Books this Friday at 7 pm. There, you have been told. Maybe now she'll stop bugging me about it. Seriously, her mom, Dana Wildsmith, is a very good poet. You'll probably have a good time if you go. I'd probably have a good time if I went. I don't leave home anymore ever since I moved into a house. Why go anywhere when you are so comfortable at home, I say.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chinese Poets

I found this nice website via Metafilter. I've always liked Li Bai, although I used to know him as Li Po. Was he consulted about this change?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reasons SF series start to stink

This is a pretty nice article on why many, many SF and fantasy series eventually jump the shark.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thunderstorm vs. Volcanic Plume

OK, this has nothing to do with writing, books or science fiction but if you ever wondered what a thunderstorm interacting with a volcanic plume looked like then follow this link. How cool is that? It's a series of photos. Be sure to click the right arrow to see 'em all.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Cory Doctorow's Little Brother

As I mentioned a few days ago Cory Doctorow has a book coming out called Little Brother and it sounds pretty interesting. The book is now in the catalog and I have already put it on hold for Clare (You're welcome). It's set to "on order" so it will be a week or two before it shows up. If you want to investigate the book further Doctorow has a page dedicated to it here.

I'll have you know that I checked the stats for the blog and someone got arrived here by doing a Google search for "ponytail poems."

Saturday, May 03, 2008

New Arthur C. Clarke

According to this story Clarke and Frederick Pohl submitted a novel for publication a week before Clarke died. I've read a few of Clarke's later works and they have, for the most part, been collaborations. I really enjoyed The Trigger and The Light of Other Days, both co-written with Stephen Baxter.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Orson Scott Card body slams Rowling

I really enjoyed this article that Card wrote about Rowlings recent lawsuit. You can read it here. This was the most I have enjoyed a piece of Card's writing in a long time.